2021 Gallery
Winner: Garden or Landscape
Studio Bright with Peachy Green for 8 Yard House

Interrupting the procession of terrace house facades, 8 Yard House is a street-healing gesture, while staying true to its own time and purpose. This new house for a large family on a double-fronted site in North Fitzroy reflects our ongoing desire to prioritise outdoor spaces as much as indoor.
Jury Citation
Garden is everything in this home by Studio Bright, where as much design attention has been given to external spaces as it has to internal spaces. Set on an inner-urban site in Melbourne’s north, this home is punctured by a series of eight yards, each with a different mood and function, some hardscaped and others softscaped. Working closely with landscape design studio Peachy Green, the architect has carefully choreographed the way each of these courtyards is experienced from within the home.
Connections are attuned to the nature of family life. Views to the pool area from the dining room enable child supervision without compromising a summer dinner party, while the sunken main living area connects to a flat and open space for kicking a ball or shooting some hoops. Quiet retreat from family life is also catered for, in the narrow study space that overlooks a calming, leafy courtyard, or in the main bedroom’s private pocket garden, which allows glimpses of the street’s activity through the undulating brick screen.
This is a remarkable home that genuinely establishes a connection between its inhabitants and the outdoors, in all weather and seasons. In a year that has seen a renewed appreciation of private open space and the need to prioritize wellbeing, it will serve its family far into the future.