2023 Gallery
Winner: Emerging Architecture Practice

SAHA is an architecture studio based in Sydney that is committed to realising sustainable, beautiful and hardworking buildings. We seek to produce work that is tailored to the patterns of everyday life, environmentally sensitive, aesthetically refined and, ultimately, affordable- ‘the best for the most for the least’.
Jury Citation
Saha is an emerging Sydney-based practice comprising Harry Catterns and Sascha Solar-March.
In a short period of time, Saha has produced a remarkable and refined portfolio of work that shows the confidence and restraint of a practice with a clear sense of purpose. Quiet, poetic and understated, their buildings seem embedded in place and time. In particular, the jury found their treatment of interstitial space exemplary, as they anticipate and allow room for different uses on the thresholds of their architecture.
It is no surprise to learn that both Harry and Sascha have had hands-on experience in the building industry. Their work expresses the craft of construction and possesses a materiality that shows a respect for and understanding of the maker. Details are direct and purposeful and appear to have an effortless elegance.
These are architects who have a firm understanding of “measure,” able to clearly determine when enough is enough. Projects demonstrate the practice’s maturity and confidence to pare back an idea to its core – there is nowhere to hide with this type of architecture, which requires a skilful hand.
The jury also applauded Saha’s commitment to high-quality, attainable and economical buildings. The results bring to mind the words of Charles and Ray Eames: “the best for the most for the least.” The future looks exciting for this young practice.