Dominique Hes

Portrait of Dominique Hes

Director, Thrive Research Hub, Melbourne School of Design
University of Melbourne

Sustainability Advisor

Dominique has degrees in Science, Engineering and a PhD in Architecture. Her passion is for finding ways to address the issues we are seeing all around us: loss of biodiversity, loss of habitat, changing climate, and so forth. She works on the premise of hope, but not air fairy 'wish the grass was greener' hope, but grounded hope - an irresistible vision of a thriving future and ways to move towards it. Dr Dominique Hes is the award-winning co-author of the book Designing for Hope: Pathways to regenerative sustainability and has a demonstrated history of working with built environment professionals in the fields of sustainable design, life cycle assessment, sustainability, regenerative development, systems thinking, placemaking, and project management. She is a non-executive board member at Greenfleet (planting ecosystems to offset carbon) and Trust for Nature; co-founder of internationally award-winning Place Agency, and ex-director of Thrive Research Hub at Melbourne University.